A few weeks ago, just after launching the podcast, I got an email from iTunes. They wanted to let me know that the podcast would be featured on the New & Noteworthy section. I had read about this while doing research on starting a podcast, learning that it was a very good thing. I was planning to start the podcast slowly and a bit quietly as I got my footing and some experience. But after only two podcasts, there it was, front and center.
It quickly climbed to over 900 subscribers and I was blown away by the support for the podcast. At first I was elated, emailing family screen shots and posting to Facebook. By the second day I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was going to royally screw this up. I've been listening to so many entrepreneur podcast lately talking about "imposter syndrome". I really connected with that term. It's something most everyone goes through. I was convinced that everyone was going to subscribe, then unsubscribe a week later.
We made it to the #7 spot on design podcasts...
and #6 on top episodes in the design section as well.
To some extent that has happened, and I'm totally fine with it. I want to truly connect with my listeners and if it isn't what someone is looking for, I get it. It seems to be leveling out a bit now around 600 subscribers. I'm excited to see how it can grow organically (although I think it will be featured once more on iTunes soon, which is great). I've gotten texts, comments and emails from supportive and excited old friends and new friends. I've loved our past guests and am really looking forward to upcoming guests. If you know of someone that you think would be perfect for the show, feel free to let me know!
Tomorrow I'll share some of my favorite podcasts that I listen to. I would love to hear a list of your favorites as well.