Community Design

Urban Agriculture with Jared Tharp - Episode 008

The Honest Home Podcast | Jared Tharp and Urban Agriculture

Access to healthy food in urban areas can be difficult for some. For others a desire to have a more direct connection with the food they eat beyond just shopping in a grocery store has them getting creative and going as local as it gets. Urban agriculture has many benefits, including bringing a community together.  

In today's episode I talked with Jared Tharp. Jared served for two years in Senegal with the Peace Corps working as an 
Urban Agriculture Specialist. Now living in Oakland he continues to be involved with urban agriculture at local Funktown Farm

All photos by Loveridge Photography

Helpful resource mentioned: Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer by Novella Carpenter

Peace Corps

Check back on Monday for a peek into Jared and Danny's Oakland, CA home!

Urban Agriculture | The Honest Home Podcast
Urban Farming | The Honest Home Podcast
Urban Farm | The Honest Home Podcast
Jared and Danny | The Honest Home Podcast
Urban Agriculture | Jared Tharp | The Honest Home Podcast
Urban Agriculture Chickens | The Honest Home Podcast
Jared and Danny | Community Farm | The Honest Home Podcast
Funktown Farm Community Garden Oakland CA

Why it's Great // Union Studio

On another "Why it's Great", we're looking at this community design of 13 homes by Union Studio in Boston. This design illustrates what is great about thoughtful planning and design. 

  1. Back yard-front yards
    Bringing people to their front yards facilities a connection with others. As opposed to driving a car into a garage and not coming out until the person leaves again via car. 
  2. Parking Court
    Each home has a designated garage bay and parking space in a parking court. They were each provided with a cart for groceries and such. 
  3. Net Zero Possible
    Solar collection and other systems make it possible for these homes to have all their energy needs met. 
  4. Permeable Area
    Instead of houses facing each other with concrete sidewalks and driveways, this space utilizes permeable ground which keeps air cooler and helps with surface water management. 

We certainly need more communities like this.