10 Things to Change When You Are Frustrated With Your Space, Part Two - EPISODE 016

Today's episode is Part 2 of 2, listing "10 Things to Change When You Are Frustrated With Your Space". You can find the first 5 points in Part One or Episode 15. 

These episodes are inspired by the fast approaching New Year and the desire for many to make a change in their lives. While you are changing what you eat and how you spend your time, I also encourage you to take steps towards making your home a place you feel relaxed and happy in. 

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6. Starting off the last five points is balance. A room doesn’t have to be completely symmetrical to be balanced. Instead take a look at the visual weights in your room. Some weights can anchor a room and give a focal point, but some weights will make a room feel lopsided and unbalanced. The photo below is a great example of visual balance.

7. TextureVary the textures throughout a room to create more visual interest.

8: Layers: Use items with different heights and weights and don’t forget to draw the eye upward as well. Layers create a visual contrast and can also be helpful to draw attention away from a part of the room that isn’t problematic. And remember, go for balance not symmetry.

9. Color: You want to make sure that color hues are repeated in some way throughout the room. Whether it’s upholstery, pillows, in the rug. However you don’t want to go overboard keeping everything the same color. Bringing in complementary colors will bring your color palette together. 

How Color Affects Your Mood:
Fresh Home

10: Details: My favorite final detail to add to a room is plants. They are inexpensive, clean the air, and are beautiful. If you live in a tract home or a standard newer apartment, you might want to consider adding a vintage architectural detail.

I hope these tips were helpful! Cheers to the New Year and to fresh spaces for all.